I began yearning to awaken in my late 20s. My yearning was a desire to be free from pain. I had a story. The awakened One is all peace, all bliss, all love. I wanted Her. My ego wanted to become such perfection. And so, I began striving.
More than 20 years later, with many spiritual teachers behind me, I see awake as what we are. Awakening, rather than a beautiful end point, is a moment by moment opening to this here now. It is not a better moment or a different moment. It is only a quiet surrender into this moment. That is all. No perfect experience. The experience itself is perfection.
Resting into the moment and noticing a Presence that holds all you are without condition is incredibly healing; it is the experience of love without condition.
Our work is to listen in this direction, to listen to the body, to listen to BEING. Bringing our awareness into the body, we hope to notice a peace, a Presence, which holds pain, like a cup holds water.
Pain is allowed.
Regardless of your symptoms or your past experience, you are made of a quiet that is not quiet, a wellbeing that does not need a good feeling, an experience of love that is present even if you are all alone.
This way of seeing is at the foundation of the way I work with clients.
I can be contacted at 415-336-5343. You may also reach me from the contact form. (Therapy patients, please note all HIPAA Compliant communications should be done through the phone number listed above.)